Max is a graphical multimedia programming environment. It was originally developed by Miller Puckette as a MIDI mediation language at IRCAM, and is now currently maintained and sold by David Zicarelli's company Cycling'74.
It is an ideal environment for developing two kinds of applications: realtime processing of data, such as serial input, MIDI messages, sound, video, 3D and system messages; and mapping data from one format to another in wildly creative ways.
Max is the core language, used for MIDI, basic data manipulation & interface design. MSP is the digital signal processing architecture of Max, used for manipulating frequency, or streams of numbers at extremely high speeds. Jitter is Cycling'74's extension for fast processing of large grids of numbers, or matrices. It is especially optimized at points for 4-plane grids of eight bit numbers, or video frames. It also is an extraordinarily powerful development environment for nontraditional OpenGL work. SoftVNS 2 is David Rokeby's extension for Max that allows a more specialized way of working with video input and playback.
This is a course for two different kinds of students: those interested in using Max to program installation pieces, such as physical computing projects or dynamic site-specific artworks; and those interested in developing custom interfaces for performance.
This is a production class. A final Max programming project, consisting of an installation piece, a performance or a generative artwork, will count for 50% of the final grade. The other 50% of the grade will depend on student participation, in the form of homework, class participation and attendance. All students must maintain web pages with catalogues of their homework to date and weblogs of their progress, frustrations, advice, fears and triumphs in reference to the class, learning Max and completing the final project.
I am open to 4th semester students using Max in their theses for final credit, as long as it takes the form of an installation or a performance.
I am also quite open to students collaborating on final projects, or doing one project for two classes.
A note about the web pages:
If you do not know how to maintain a web page and/or a blog, it is your responsibility to learn. If you do not maintain the webpage throughout the class, you will fail it. Don't worry about making it pretty! I have zero interest in the design of your site; I just want to get a sense of how well you are doing with the material by perusing it. If you spend more than 10 minutes on designing the web pages, you are wasting your own time.
I will have office hours either in the main lab or at another location (you will have plenty of warning if this happens!) practically every Thursday evening, from 6-8PM. This will be the best time to reach me or ask me questions. I also check email frequently.
More information on me is available on my outdated and inconsistent website. My work is occasionally interesting, but not under any circumstances to be aped. You are all incredibly bright, gifted students. I have no doubt that the work you produce in this class will make mine look cheap, uninteresting and gimmicky. Make me proud.
Sep 12 | First class. Introduction to Max. How to run it, how to install it. A few dire warnings. Discussion of class requirements and structure. Meet and greet. Preparing media for live work. Why you don't want to take this class.
Files from class are here. Ohh, and I almost forgot. Here's the identifizer. Assignments for 9/19:
Sep 19 |
Midi 101. What is MIDI? Music, control. External control. Keyboard and mouse control. Assigments for 9/26:
Sep 26 |
Jitter 101. Controlling Quicktime with Jitter. Mixing and compositing. What is a matrix? What is digital video? Assignments for 10/3:
Oct 3 |
Rosh Hashanah- WE HAVE CLASS. More on Jitter. Assignment for 10/10:
Oct 10 | MSP 101! The basics of synthesis. How to play files with sfplay~. Using buffer~ with groove~ and play~. The line~ and line objects. More on incorporating idiosyncratic MIDI equipment.
Assignment for 10.17: MSP tutorials. |
Oct 17 | Random topics and catchup. Performance strategies. Synesthesia.
Assignment for 10.24: MSP bots. |
Oct 24 | Various topics. OpenGL? Advanced synthesis? TBA. |
Oct 31 | Midterm clinic. We will work in the lab today. |
Nov 7 | Midterm Assignment due. TBA. |
Nov 14 | Guest lecturers. |
Nov 21 | Guest lecturers. |
Nov 28 |
Guest lecturers & advanced topics TBA. |
Dec 5 | Final project clinic sessions. |
Dec 12 | Final project clinic sessions. |
Dec 19 | Final projects due. Guests encouraged at this class. |
There are no books in the bookstore for this class. All texts are in freely downloadable PDF files and web links. You are strongly, strongly encouraged to print them out. Kill a tree, save your brain.
The standard platform for this class will be OS X. The lab machines will always run the latest version of the Max/MSP/Jitter releases, and you are encouraged to keep up as well.
Max/MSP for Windows XP was released two years. Although great strides have been made in the name of stability and capability, it remains somewhat problematic. Jitter was recently released for the Windows platform, and because of SoftVNS' dependency upon very close-to-the-metal Altivec routines, it will be a very long time- if ever!- before David releases a Windows version. Sometime in the semester, the DT lab will purchase licenses of the Windows software. You are welcome to experiment with the other side, but all work done for the class must be compatible with Max/MSP version 4.5.5 for OS X.
There is a rich tapestry of third-party extensions for Max. Many of these work very well with OS X. Installing these is quite easy if you have administrative access to your working machine- i.e. if you're working on your own personal laptop. The lab Macintoshes have the third-party extensions judged relevant and necessary by myself and Jonathan Lee Marcus, who is teaching the other section of the class. If you feel there is an extension set you would like placed on the lab machines, please talk to me; you're probably right and I'll put it on there.
There are many sites about Max on the web. This list will grow throughout the class.
There is no better way to learn Max than to ask questions. Asking questions is easy when you have the patience for mailing lists. Joining one or all of these is not required for the course, but you will find it much much easier to learn the material with community support.
Last updated