SACCADE joshua goldberg's webspace

Hire me!

I am currently unemployed. This is not something I particularly love.

If you are reading this, I would like you to think long and hard about helping me find a job.

Let’s start with what I can do. I am an experienced Max/MSP/Jitter programmer, installation builder, video artist, educator, technology consultant and project manager. These are things I can do well.  I have written systems for video performance for single events, and modular frameworks for multiple uses. I was an early alpha tester of Jitter, and every copy of Jitter (and, since version 5, Max itself) has shipped with software I wrote. I have performed live generative abstract visuals at clubs and parties for thirteen years, for some of the biggest DJs in the world. I have built LED sculptures and designed LED lighting for other people’s sculptures, including Teddy Lo and Ryan Doyle’s GonKiRin, for which I have also served as the project manager. I have programmed, designed and installed permanent installations at multiple museums across the United States, including the Houston Childrens’ Museum, the Intrepid Sea/Air/Space Museum, the Las Vegas History Museum, the Western Virginia Museum of Science and Technology, and more. I’ve worked with many artists as a technology partner, from Nina Katchadourian to Janet Zwieg to Doug Aitken. I’ve written advisory briefs on technology for lighting companies, real estate companies, hospitals and schools. I’ve performed and taught workshops in four continents, and served as an adjunct faculty member at Parsons and NYU for eight of the last ten years.

This is just a sampling. Essentially, if you are interested in realizing your designs in an immediate fashion, through interactivity or as performance, I can help you do it. And if you are hunting for someone who knows all about the world of creative coding and the people and technologies in that world, I am the person you’re looking for as well.

I’m interested in full-time employment. Hire me!

Here’s my CV.  Call me at 917.705.6843.

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